Racial Violence At Home
On December 5, 1946, President Truman signed Executive Order 9808 creating the President’s Committee on Civil Rights.
The committee’s focus was to safeguard the civil rights of the people and they released a report “To Secure These Rights” on October 29, 1947. The Commission noted the “many restrictions on blacks, and urged that each person, regardless of race, color or national origin, should have access to equal opportunity in securing education, decent housing and jobs. Among the recommendations were an antilynching law, the abolition of the poll tax, a permanent Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC), the desegregation of the military, and laws to enforce fair housing, education, health care, and employment.”
~ President's Committee on Civil Rights, https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/library/to-secure-these-rights
“In a democracy, each individual must have freedom to choose his friends and to control the pattern of his personal and family life. But we see nothing inconsistent between this freedom and a recognition of the truth that democracy also means that in going to school, working, participating in the political process, serving in the armed forces, enjoying government services in such fields and health and recreation, making use of transportation and other public accommodation facilities, and living in specific communities and neighborhoods, distinctions of race, color and creed have no place…."
~ The President’s Commission on Civil Rights – “To Secure These Rights” (October 29, 1947)